Azure Application Insights Cheat sheet

Some simple examples on what you can do with Application Insights logs

Exceptions, group by beginning of outerMessage:

| summarize count() by tostring(split(outerMessage, "[")[0])
| order by count_ desc

Requests with 5xx response, group by name and statusCode

| where toint(resultCode) >= 500
| summarize count() by name, resultCode
| order by count_ desc

Get List of all Request endpoints and their success rate

| extend successRate = iff(success == true, 100.0, 0.0)
| summarize avg(successRate) by name
| where avg_successRate < 1
| order by avg_successRate asc

Get List of all Requests their non 5xx response rate

| extend successRate = iff(toint(resultCode) >= 500, 0.0, 1.0)
| summarize avg(successRate) by name
| where avg_successRate < 1
| order by avg_successRate asc

Combine previous 2, show all requests with at least 1 4xx response or 5xx response and show percentage for both 5xx and 4xx

| extend percent500 = iff(toint(resultCode) >= 500, 100.0, 0.0)
| summarize avg(percent500) by name
| join
    | extend percent400 = iff(toint(resultCode) >= 400 and toint(resultCode) < 500, 100.0, 0.0)
    | summarize avg(percent400) by name
) on name
| project name, avg_percent500, avg_percent400
| where avg_percent500 > 0 or avg_percent400 > 0
| order by avg_percent500, avg_percent400

Join Requests with Exceptions. Assuming both have Custom properties named customDimensions show count by outer Exception message

| where name contains "ENDPOINT_NAME"
| join exceptions on operation_Id
| summarize count() by tostring(split(tostring(customDimensions1["FormattedMessage"]), "[")[0])

See which requests exceptions are coming from base on the the exception outerMessage

| where outerMessage startswith "Unhandled error:"
| join requests on operation_Id
| summarize count() by name

Render column chart for resultCode over time for a specific request

| where name contains "REQUEST_NAME"
| summarize count() by bin(timestamp,1d), resultCode
| render columnchart